Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Stuff I Don't Understand...(not an exhaustive list)
The UK economics didn’t help us however and while the Nationwide house price number was better (although the report notes this was on very light activity), the Q1 GDP figure was revised lower and came in with the worst drop since 1958. Greenshoot that. There’s been talk recently that the UK data has been better and the UK may be the first to exit the recession. I pretty much subscribed to that and certainly feel there is more bad news to come from Europe however, given the recent data out of the UK, I am beginning to question that. Looking at the recent data, GDP –bad, retail sales-bad, public sector borrowing – bad, mortgage approvals – bad…and these we bad vs consensus not just in absolute terms. There hasn’t been much in terms of better numbers, jobless claims came in a bit better a couple of weeks ago and the house price number today and that’s about it. GBP has given back the gains it had made prior to the number but I would’ve thought it would move more.
Even stranger are the commodity moves, no? The Sydney Morning Herald is running a story about China ending their commodity stockpiling. To be fair, this story was out yesterday in the Chinese press. Nevertheless, referring back to MacroMan’s impressive charts, we can see just how above trend Chinese commodity imports have been this year. Still, commodities are up, as are the commodity stocks and the commodity currencies! Go figure. The IEA also cut its forecasts for oil consumption and demand and what happens?? Oil bounces to $73.
While this is all counterintuitive to me, I think the only way I can explain it is through the fact that in essence, these are all the same trades: long oil & commodities in general, long equities, short $, long GBP, long AUD,NZD,CAD. These are all expressing the same view, long risk and much of them really, are in fact, just long China. While risk appetite has waned of late for sure, it has not disappeared (see the VIX for clear evidence of that), and often the favourite themes continue for longer than we’d think and take a long time for reality to kick in. Remember how long the market warned of demand destruction last year before the oil price actually took note and decided to descend from its 120+ levels ... about 4 months. Most things I see and read make me believe this whole move is predicated on unsustainable hope and I’m confident that it will pan out that way. Trying to work out when is decidedly trickier however.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Range Roving
The economics today were poor however. Although the Personal Income was up, this was due to transfers under the stimulus plan. Crucially private wages were down $12.4bn vs -0.7bn previously. Wage deflation is not going to help the economy or the argument of the Inflationistas. Interesting to see that in spite of the transfers and bigger overall number, personal consumption came in bang in line with expectations. This extra money is being saved not spent…the savings rate at 6.9% is the highest since Dec 1993. The VIX fell back to the 26 level, the lowest it has printed since 12 September…so are we getting too complacent with our levels? Perhaps not, maybe we’re actually too bearish. The Bull/Bear Index continues to tick steadily up and is often seen as a good contraindicator. The last two weeks has seen us range trading again albeit in a parallel and lower range than the 2 weeks before.

Thursday, 25 June 2009
Nothing Ado About Much
The SNB donned its size 12s and entered the FX market again yesterday and given the moves earlier today in the Swiss crosses, there is talk it’s laced up its boots again today.
Within the equity markets, all sectors are down but the main movers are the AgChems, following on from Monsanto’s disappointing performance yesterday. It’s been a tough old couple of weeks for the sector since the NuFarm warning a couple of weeks ago, Agrium and K+S too. GFI have come out with long Wheat call today which I think is interesting. Given the feedback from these companies is that fertiliser demand is down (according to the Brazilian National Fertiliser Assoc, Q109 fertilizer consumption down 24%), and the cure for low prices is…well, it’s low prices (the converse is of course, also true!), so low prices => less supply => higher prices! And if you’re a dollar bear there is that angle too.
Today also brought another bout of cash raising, this time in the form of CBs with Abengoa, Suedzucker and SGL Carbon raising circa Eur 600m between them.
Outside of that, later on today we have the jobs numbers and the final figure for Q1 GDP and expectations are for no revisions. Equity volumes are running at 80%. Feels quiet, is quiet, is Summer.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Short and Sweet
The Japanese trade data overnight was poor and as Brad Setser asks today, given the Chinese expansion over the last year, why hasn’t this fed through to the rest of the world? Japanese exports to China are down 29.7% vs -25.9% in April. Still this is better than exports to the US and Europe; overall, exports were down 40.9% vs 39.1% in April. Oh, US and Euro exports to China are down too…but still, China’s going to lead us out of this.
Ah, the results of the ECB refi have just been released with the number coming in at EUR442.24bl, estimates were c300m so I would expect to see Euro pressure. Some are saying this is positive for risk appetite, frankly it just seems like another buying time exercise to me so I’m sceptical as to whether we’ll see the market take too much notice.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
It seems that companies themselves aren’t waiting for the outcome of the these events and yesterday’s sell off and worries of a continuation on that theme have probably expedited the decisions of Drax, Renewable Energy and Peugeot to raise some cash asap. Volumes are running healthily today at 120% of 20 day average, which could be instructive if the market was actually moving today but equities are sharply unch. Perhaps we’re being supported by the stories out of China of a repo rate cut to encourage lending (but hold on, I thought lending was up in China, no??) and also of the Nat. Statistic Bureau coming out and saying Q2 GDP of 8% was on its way and that the economy had bottomed. In any case, we’re flat-lining here and the real moves are happening in FX. The Euro is having a big bounce, and ahead of the slew of Euros coming into the system with the Refi, this vexes me. Speaking to a contact in FX, I’ve been told Middle Eastern funds have been selling $ all morn and buying EUR and GBP. Well cable is off today and EURGBP is really having a bounce so it doesn’t look like there’s much bid for GBP at all. BOE Chief Economist Dale made some comments but they didn’t seem to have much in them. Commodity currencies, especially the Kiwi have stemmed yesterday’s haemorrhaging and that can be attributed to the China stories and the m&a movements and musings in the sector.
It is interesting to note that the World Bank GDP cuts that got so much press yesterday actually look like they were released mid June! I hadn’t noticed this but saw it on Naked Capitalism. Sometimes the market just ignores what it doesn’t want to hear. At the moment though, it seems focused on the risks, and with more negative statements coming out today from Peugeot, Maersk, BASF et al, I don’t think it will take much to tip us lower; probably not until after tomorrow’s events however.
Monday, 22 June 2009
Risk Off
The markets are not exactly voluminous this Monday, with cash at 80% and futures at 70% of 20 day average, according to the UBS Voluminator…and I’m not going to argue with something so aggressively named. I’m not sure there’s much reason to see a big change in that regard over the course of the week because while there are quite a few macro releases, there probably won’t be a huge amount of excitement surrounding them. The ECB refi facility should garner some interest I guess but I don’t think it will be all that some are making it out to be. Outside of that, we have the Existing Home sales tomorrow, Durable Goods, (which is probably the most important number of the week) and mortgage apps on Wednesday. These will be followed by the FOMC decision, although all eyes will be on the statement as there won’t be a change to rates. GDP figures come on Thursday and Friday sees the Personal Income and Spending numbers which should provide more ammo for the inflation/deflation debate.
Overall though, equities feel muted and heavy and with, to name but a couple of things, the recent data confounding the recovery argument somewhat (see today’s UK house price release) and the elevated level of insiders selling stock (highest level since Bear Stearns, I have read), I see no reason to be anything other than bearish; and at this point it looks like this view is starting to play out. We’ll just have to wait and see if it gains traction.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Making a Point of Not Talking About Expiry
I saw a push yesterday for the imminent return of risk appetite should next week’s ECB refi facility have a lot of takers, which this piece was saying it would, and I don’t disagree with the many takers part. I wonder though…swapping illiquid assets for cash or cash equivalents has been done before although admittedly the 1 year term is attractive, but will the equity market pay that much attention to it? I’m not sure it will. What may well react (although not react well) however is the Euro if all these hundreds of billions of Euros are handed out. Will it simply hit the Euro while employing another buying time strategy?
Outside of the de rigueur doom and gloomery (which I wouldn’t persist with if I genuinely saw something which changed my opinion); something I haven’t seen in a while, a single stock research note getting real traction. Exane have a big piece out on Heineken today, the central tenets of which are A) Buy it…and to back that up…B) Cost savings to come through and C) Raw material price falls will benefit them. UBS have Heineken on their conviction list and published a European Strategy piece last week with their top picks. Anyway it’s up 5% today (and while a bit of good weather is always a good excuse to buy a beverage company), my point is this; people seem to be looking more for best in class names and willing to trade them and believe they will outperform their sectors. During the times of hyper volatility, intra-sector correlations were pretty close to one and buying X to sell Y probably wasn’t going to get you very far. With the fall in volatility, and I believe, even though I am bearish, we won’t see volatility return to the previous levels, or anything like it (I’d point to March 9th VIX to back this up), that there is better opportunities for individual stock selection within sectors. Although for sure, if the market tanks, I’m certain you’ll still make good money getting short of SXAP,SXPP, SX7P and long SXDP, SX3P, SXKP etc etc, you’ll just make more doing the stock specific groundwork and sorting the good, the bad and the ugly.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Retail (Shock) Therapy
We had 3 more cash calls this morning (Marstons, GKN and Wavin) and a CB from Air France. We had $64bn of stock issuance in May, that is almost twice the previous record of $38bn according to TrimTabs Research and this pace has continued in June. I’ve said before that companies don’t issue stock when they think it’s cheap and the research shows historically high levels of issuance lead to poor subsequent equity performance. You can see the details on the PragCap link, you need a subscription to access TrimTabs. Volumes are pretty healthy, running c100% 20 day average although they are off the lofty levels of 150% we saw this morning.
Lastly, on a quiet day, I found an amusing piece on the Austrian Filter blog giving another example of why we should be wary of Administrationspeak…
Timothy Geitner: "Don't Believe Us!"
On a speech given at 11:10am on April 6, 2008, Timothy Geitner advised Americans to"...be wary of any organization that claims to guarantee success and demands upfront fees."The only organizations that I can think of that fit that description is Bernie Madoff's Hedge Fund and the Federal Government. In fact, when testifying before Congress, Tim Geithner repeatedly stressed two facts: 1) That his plan will work. 2) That it requires upfront funds provided for by the tax payer.
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
When Less Bad is Good Enough No More
The UK employment data was better than expectations although the earnings continued to decline. GBP has taken a beating post this, I’m not sure why, wage deflation continuing and curbing interest rate hike expectations potentially? In any case, a cursory amount of digging unearthed talk that Citi had sold a big chunk of Cable at 1.643 on the initial uptick and took out all the stops.
Spoos are perched right on the 200 day at the moment so all eyes will be on whether they can hold that level. Volumes are healthy enough today, running c100% but that’s not enough to see real conviction in this sell off. My guess is that the market is waiting for more clarity and conviction, with the real sellers being lower down.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009
So Is This It?

Monday, 15 June 2009
Bouncing Bonds and Lurking Bears
TomTom provided the relative excitement on Friday, jumping 20% on talk of Apple taking a stake via a capital raising. The rumour was half true. Unfortunately, not the half anyone who bought it on Friday wanted. Another company taking advantage of the rally, and who can blame them? Could be good timing too as there’s a bit more impetus to the bear camp today with a Barron’s article getting quite a bit of press, saying we’ve come too far, too fast and Forbes running a story noting Sheila Bair is still cautious on the banks and expects further failures. Remember though, it’s expiry this week and low volumes in expiry weeks can lead to exaggerated and unexplained intraday moves.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Treading Water

The equity market’s insistence on trending sideways has not spread to other asset classes and yesterday saw a big bond rally. The 10yr traded just about the 4% level intraday, but rallied back hard post the successfully $11bn 30yr auction which came in 4.72% (vs consensus of 4.8%) with a bid/cover ratio of 2.68 (vs 2.14 at the previous auction). While the market has been rife with talk of increasing inflation expectations, and for sure this has contributed to the bond move, the data have not corroborated this, as yet anyway. I subscribe to the school of thought that a substantial amount of the move has been asset allocation out of safe and into risky and certainly the pickup in individual investor appetite for equity mutual funds has been impressive.
Anecdotally, I saw a piece today talking about heavy July 45/55 call spread buying on the VIX which is presently at 28. Somebody thinks there's a big dirtnap around the corner that's for sure.
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Chinese Whispers
I mentioned yesterday the strong increase in Iron Ore imports despite flat steel production and have previously doubted China’s ability to lead us out given their export based economy. Today, Macro Man presents some interesting charts showing vast increases in import volumes from China in coal, copper and iron ore, and way above trend from 2003-2008. Interestingly, this is not the case with oil however which is only on trend.
So we see imports up, exports down, and down again in April vs the bounce in March

Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Something is Rotten in the State of Last Hour Trading

Monday, 8 June 2009
NFP Hangover

Equities are reasonably quiet today with volumes running around 80% of the 20 day average and most I’ve spoken to have said they are net sellers, mainly for hedge fund players. The former is hardly a eureka discovery given the market is down but the latter is further evidence of an increasing trend over the last couple of weeks…bears are more comfortable being short than they were a month ago.
Friday, 5 June 2009
Jobs All Round
” In particular, the weakness in hours and earnings are reason for concern. The length of the workweek declined by 0.1 hour to 33.1 hours, which is the aggregate hour equivalent of an additional loss of about 350k jobs. More importantly, the manufacturing workweek also declined (39.3 hrs vs. 39.5 previously)?this is a negative sign for inventory restocking in the current quarter, because inventory rebuilds have historically been accompanied by a rise in manufacturing hours worked. Average hourly earnings rose 0.1% in the month, lowering the 3- and 6-month rates of change to 1.7% and 2.2%, respectively. In short, wages are rolling over”
So the lower hours compensate for the better number and wage inflation is slowing. The detail certainly seems to have taken some wind out the sails of this move. $ reversed its previous loss and bonds have rallied back somewhat too with the 10yr around 3.83 having been at 3.90 earlier and equities have come back too.
It turns out the GBP sell off yesterday was due to the FX hedging on the Rio capital raising. This makes more sense to me as I was sceptical of the idea that Brown leaving would be taken badly by the market. Hope springs eternal and all that (and indeed hope has proved a pretty good investment strategy in the last few months). Remember the reaction of the market to the news that Geithner was going to be appointed…

Thursday, 4 June 2009
Brownian Motion
The resources sector was under pressure anyway with a big sell off in CAD, NZD & AUD overnight but the Rios chat clearly hasn’t helped. Never fear however, the panacea for all market wobbles as we know is a less bad macro number. Enter the continuing claims, a mere 6,735k, and that combined with the words from Trichet, which were reasonably sanguine (albeit with the caveat that 1% rates are not necessarily the lows), and the markets feel stable enough.
Interesting to note that equities rallied sharply in the last 30 mins or so yesterday as the Plunge Protection Team buyers came in and the market bounced off its 200 day MAV. See Estoxx below but the chart is the same for the SPX.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009
Sheikh Shakes the Market
There are some headlines out from China saying a quick rebound is becoming less likely. I’m not sure when it was ever that likely but the miners are taking a bit of a breather on the back of this. I’ve mentioned before my doubts about a China led recovery and have talked about things like lower power usage, lack of credit availability to non government sponsored projects etc. I was talking to a mate the other day who’s just come back from 3 months in Beijing (just to give his thoughts some credence, he was out there working in the metal markets, not trying to find himself or anything soulful or worthwhile like that). Now this is anecdotal for sure but he was of the opinion that credit for the man in the street is still very hard to get and you can see how much slower things are over there by virtue of the fact there is far less air pollution than there used to be. I tried to dig out some data on this, the Air Pollution Index (API) but it seemed to only be accessible on a daily basis and then I got bored frankly. Who would have thought accurate Chinese data would be hard to come by??
This last piece is interesting, if not necessarily instructive and was picked up on by David Rosenberg. On Monday, equities rallied 2.5%. On that same day, the VIX rallied almost 4%. This is very odd. The VIX index has historically fallen over 95% of the time that the market rises. Even stranger, at no time in the last seven years did a 2%-plus surge in the S&P 500 coincide with an increase in vol … until Monday. For some good thoughts from Rosenberg, you can see them here…
Monday, 1 June 2009
Frank T.J. Mackey says...
“…Respect the Market”
Low volumes, main stream media cheerleading, data manipulation, these figures aren’t actually good, this is all going to end in tears. V shaped, U shaped, L shaped. Whatever you want to say or believe, this market only knows one way at the moment and it isn’t South.
A better set of numbers today, PI up (although saving at its highest level since the data series began in ’59). ISM a touch ahead too. The beat coming from prices paid. These two adding fuel to the inflation fire and we’ve seen treasuries sell off since. To be fair, order backlog and new orders increased. But then to be equally fair, they’re still below 50, so not growing.
Macro Man noted there’s a good chance of the market closing above the 200 DMA today. What next. Well everything that has traded through it’s 200 DMA of late has carried on storming through. I would bet against equities doing the same. That’s not to say that I don’t agree with a lot of what’s in the first paragraph or the caveats of the second…I’m just cognisant of the (admittedly adapted) words of Frank.