It all leads to a confusing old Marché…as demonstrated today. Europe opens down, and then rallies. Bernanke’s going to stay in. That’s a positive, showing faith in the incumbents. Equally, getting rid of him probably would’ve been seen as a positive too, injecting some fresh blood into the hot seat, full of potential for what could be. Remember the Geithner appointment inspired rally back in November last year.
Amidst all the confusion (or perhaps it’s just mine?), some things stand out to me. Among them, the fertilizer names look like they continue to be good shorts and the utilities on the long side in the pursuit of yield. Barrons ran an article yesterday talking of how expensive potash is based on the historical relationship with corn and soyabean prices. In India, you have lack of monsoons leading to lower sugar production and fertilizer demand is down there as a result. According the a release from USDA last week, corn prices are expected to fall next year as supplies hit new highs. It doesn’t take a great leap of faith to believe this will lead to less being planted and hence lower fertilizer demand.
Utilities stand out to me for their yield, in what continues to look like a lower for longer environment as far as rates are concerned, and they should provide a defensive haven in the event of a market fall. Telcos too could be attractive on the yield side and indeed JPM are pushing an out of miners, into telcos trade today.

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